Update a Fraud Case with the given data.
object (FraudCase) -> Represents a fraud case with properties such as the unique identifier of the case, its version, the date of the attack, and the type of the fraud case. |
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{- "fraudCase": {
- "cdlId": "5c6a2c7e-9b0a-4e1a-8b0a-4e1a8b0a4e1a",
- "version": "1",
- "dateOfAttack": "2025-02-21T08:27:08Z",
- "type": "ACTIVE_WARNING",
- "description": "Fraud case description",
- "internalComment": "Internal comment",
- "confirmationState": "CONFIRMED",
- "classification": "STANDARD",
- "businessPartnerName": "Corporate Data Quality AG",
- "businessPartnerCountryCode": "CH",
- "businessPartnerLocality": "Sankt Gallen",
- "fraudsterEmail": "thisisnot@fraud.com",
- "fraudsterPhone": "+49123456789",
- "fraudsterWebsite": "www.thisisnotafraud.com",
- "alternativePayee": "Alternative payee's name",
- "bankAccount": {
- "internationalBankAccountIdentifier": "CH8800781619278412000",
- "internationalBankIdentifier": "KBSGCH22XXX",
- "bankCountryCode": "DE",
- "nationalBankIdentifier": "00781",
- "nationalBankAccountIdentifier": "619278412000"
}, - "archived": "false",
- "alertTriggered": "false",
- "createdAt": "2025-02-21T08:27:08Z",
- "creatorOrganization": "Organization name",
- "createdBy": "User name",
- "disclosedAttributes": [
], - "relatedFraudCases": "5"
{- "cdlId": "5c6a2c7e-9b0a-4e1a-8b0a-4e1a8b0a4e1a",
- "version": "1",
- "dateOfAttack": "2025-02-21T08:27:08Z",
- "type": "ACTIVE_WARNING",
- "description": "Fraud case description",
- "internalComment": "Internal comment",
- "confirmationState": "CONFIRMED",
- "classification": "STANDARD",
- "businessPartnerName": "Corporate Data Quality AG",
- "businessPartnerCountryCode": "CH",
- "businessPartnerLocality": "Sankt Gallen",
- "fraudsterEmail": "thisisnot@fraud.com",
- "fraudsterPhone": "+49123456789",
- "fraudsterWebsite": "www.thisisnotafraud.com",
- "alternativePayee": "Alternative payee's name",
- "bankAccount": {
- "internationalBankAccountIdentifier": "CH8800781619278412000",
- "internationalBankIdentifier": "KBSGCH22XXX",
- "bankCountryCode": "DE",
- "nationalBankIdentifier": "00781",
- "nationalBankAccountIdentifier": "619278412000"
}, - "archived": "false",
- "alertTriggered": "false",
- "createdAt": "2025-02-21T08:27:08Z",
- "creatorOrganization": "Organization name",
- "createdBy": "User name",
- "disclosedAttributes": [
], - "relatedFraudCases": "5"